Una vez más se celebró en Barcelona el Congreso Detcon que durante los días 5 al 7 de octubre reunió a detectives privados y expertos en diferentes materias para hacer una puesta al día sobre la profesión y sus avances.
Otras intervenciones interesantes fueron realizadas por el periodista José Luís Ibáñez Ridao, «Entrevistas capciosas»; David Rodrigo, «Recogida de muestras biológicas» y Carles Porta, periodista, director, productor y guionista, conocido por su serie «Crims», de TV3.
La «Nit del Detectiu» 2023 puso su broche final con el Premio a la serie «Crims» de TV3 y en su nombre, fue recogido por Anna Punsí, periodista experta en sucesos y Directora de Contenidos de la Productora, True Crime Factory.
The «Nit del Detectiu 2023» culminated in the success of the Detcon Congress
Once again, the Detcon Congress was held in Barcelona from October 5 to 7, bringing together private detectives and experts in different fields to update on the profession and its advances.
Organized by the Col.legi Oficial de Detectius Privats de Catalunya, headed by its President, Mercè Ferrán, it began in the unique setting of the Arús Public Library, an emblematic setting, as it is one of the most beautiful libraries in Europe, a true jewel of Modernism. Many of the first Spanish detectives were Masons and passed through here. The Detcon 2023 Edition opened with a media spectacle: the podcast of «El loco del fondo», with the detective Óscar Rosa.
Different presentations gave relevance to the Congress through the National Police, the Mossos de Esquadra and the Civil Guard on interesting topics such as «Mafias in Spain», «Investigations in traffic accidents» and «Frontcopy: public-private collaboration for brand protection and intellectual property».
Other interesting interventions were made by the journalist José Luís Ibáñez Ridao, «Captious interviews»; David Rodrigo, «Collection of biological samples» and Carles Porta, journalist, director, producer and screenwriter, known for his series «Crims», of TV3.
The «Nit del Detectiu» 2023 ended with the award to the series «Crims» of TV3 and on his behalf, was collected by Anna Punsí, journalist expert in crime and Content Director of the Production Company, True Crime Factory.