Detective Stories


Intuición y Perspicacia

Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense Criminalista

Uno de los temas interesantes y que, a veces se desconoce, es la labor de un Perito Judicial y qué tipo de estudios realizan, así como las diferentes vertientes que le ofrece el entorno laboral.

De la mano de la Agencia Española de Peritos Judiciales, vamos a descubrir un poco más de esta profesión que ofrece ser complementaria de otras del sector.


Agencia Española Peritos Judiciales


Perito Judicial

Es un profesional especializado que cuenta con una serie de conocimientos y competencias reconocidas en un sector concreto, ya sea gracias a su formación o a su experiencia laboral.

Como parte de sus funciones profesionales, el perito judicial suministra información y ofrece su opinión objetiva a los Tribunales de Justicia en los aspectos relacionados con la materia en la que es experto. Por lo tanto, uno de los principales requisitos para ser perito judicial es, precisamente acreditar los conocimientos que se tengan en la materia a peritar.

El perito puede ser nombrado judicialmente o propuesto por una o ambas partes. En el segundo de los casos, la propuesta tiene que ser aceptada por el juez o el fiscal. El perito judicial debe estar suficientemente capacitado para ejecutar, aplicar y utilizar todas las técnicas y recursos relacionados con su área de especialización.


Agencia Española Peritos Judiciales


Curso de Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense y Criminalista

Este curso proporciona una formación completa, compacta y operativa a la función de Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense y Criminalista para cerrajeros que quieren ampliar su campo de acción laboral en una sociedad donde la prueba pericial técnica se hace cada vez más necesaria para establecer la materialidad de un delito. El informe del Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense puede ser remitidos tanto a la policía, como a las empresas cerrajeras. Los primeros, pueden valerse de la información para atrapar a los delincuentes y luego utilizar la evidencia, como medios probatorios en un juicio. Los segundos emplean la información para mejorar los puntos débiles de los cerrojos, bombillos, cerraduras o conocer cuáles son las partes más vulnerables. Por otro lado, un cerrajero forense puede ser llamado a comparecer ante un tribunal, para que lleve a cabo funciones de perito forense.

Esta formación le enseñará a detectar e interpretar fraudes en el mundo de la cerrajería. Las compañías de seguros, sufren continuamente los resultados de los robos que tiene que indemnizar, muchos de ellos engaños de los propietarios para cobrar las garantías de la póliza contratada.

Este curso proporciona un doble diploma: Diploma Universitario de Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense Criminalista por la Universidad Católica de Murcia. Diploma Perito Judicial en Análisis Forense en Cerrajería por el Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Peritación Judicial.

El objetivo fundamental es la formación jurídica y práctica de profesionales de la cerrajería a la función de perito judicial. De manera que una vez se termine el curso, el alumno esté totalmente capacitado para enfrentarse a la realización de informes periciales y actuación judicial en esta especialidad.


Agencia Española Peritos Judiciales



Don Luis Ochoa Joandó, Detective Privado, Director y Jefe de Seguridad Ministerio del Interior, Diplomado en Derecho, Perito Judicial en Grafología y Documentología, Profesor externo de la UCAM en materia Pericial.

Profesores especialistas:

Don Iker Catalán . Director de Seguridad, Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense, Cerrajero Profesional, Técnico en herramientas de apertura, Profesor del Centro Técnico de Estudios Periciales.

Don Carlos Sicilia, Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense, Cerrajero Profesional, Técnico en herramientas de apertura, Profesor del Centro Técnico de Estudios Periciales, Presidente de la Asociación Nacional Forense de Peritos Cerrajeros.

Salidas Profesionales: Perito Judicial o de parte

Horas lectivas. 150h.

Destinatario: Cerrajeros, Detectives Privados, Empresas de Seguridad y Directores de Seguridad, Compañías aseguradoras, Peritos de compañías aseguradoras, etc.


1. El perito y el peritaje
2. El marco legal de actuación del perito judicial. 3. Cómo redactar un informe pericial?
4. La asistencia a la vista. Posibles actuaciones en el juicio. 5. Formularios y ejemplos de informes y dictamenes.
6. Texto de referencia: Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil (LEC)
7. Introducción a la criminalística.

PARTE 2 : CERRAJERÍA FORENSE (presencial o videos para los alumnos fuera de Espa
1. Concepto de Cerrajería Forense.
2. Aperturas de cerraduras y bombillos (gorjas, placas, pompas y pernos) con diferentes técnicas para posterior análisis.
3. En la escena (marcas externas visibles): Proceso de investigación, inspección ocular y recogida de pruebas .
4. Cadena de custodia: Ejemplos, normativa y temas a tener en cuenta.
5. En laboratorio: Marcas internas, lesiones y trazas según técnica utilizada.
6. El informe pericial en cerrjaería forense : proceso y ejemplos de informe claro y exitoso
7. Almacenaje y custodia de las pruebas .
8. Coste y costas del trabajo, análisis e informes.

Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmith Forensic Criminalist

One of the interesting and sometimes unknown topics is the work of a Judicial Expert and what kind of studies they carry out, as well as the different aspects that the work environment offers.

From the hand of the Spanish Agency of Judicial Experts, we are going to discover a little more of this profession that offers to be complementary to others in the sector.

Judicial Expert

It is a specialized professional who has a series of recognized knowledge and competences in a specific sector, either thanks to his or her training or work experience.

As part of his professional duties, the court expert provides information and offers his objective opinion to the Courts of Justice in the aspects related to the matter in which he is an expert. Therefore, one of the main requirements to be a court expert is, precisely, to accredit the knowledge that one has in the matter to be expert.

The expert may be appointed judicially or proposed by one or both parties. In the second case, the proposal must be accepted by the judge or the prosecutor. The judicial expert must be sufficiently qualified to execute, apply and use all the techniques and resources related to his area of expertise.


Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmith Forensic Criminalist


One of the interesting and sometimes unknown topics is the work of a Judicial Expert and what kind of studies they carry out, as well as the different aspects that the work environment offers.

From the hand of the Spanish Agency of Judicial Experts, we are going to discover a little more of this profession that offers to be complementary to others in the sector.


Agencia Peritos Judiciales


Judicial Expert

It is a specialized professional who has a series of recognized knowledge and competences in a specific sector, either thanks to his or her training or work experience.

As part of his professional duties, the court expert provides information and offers his objective opinion to the Courts of Justice in the aspects related to the matter in which he is an expert. Therefore, one of the main requirements to be a court expert is, precisely, to accredit the knowledge that one has in the matter to be expert.

The expert may be appointed judicially or proposed by one or both parties. In the second case, the proposal must be accepted by the judge or the prosecutor. The judicial expert must be sufficiently qualified to execute, apply and use all the techniques and resources related to his area of expertise.


Agencia de Peritos Judiciales


Course of Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmiths and Criminalists

This course provides a complete, compact and operative training to the function of Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmith and Criminalist for locksmiths who want to expand their field of work in a society where the technical expert evidence is increasingly necessary to establish the materiality of a crime. The report of the Forensic Locksmith Forensic Expert can be sent both to the police and to the locksmith companies. The former can make use of the information to catch criminals and then use the evidence as probative means in a trial. The latter use the information to improve the weak points of the bolts, cylinders, locks or to know which are the most vulnerable parts. On the other hand, a forensic locksmith may be called to appear in court to perform forensic expert functions.


This training will teach him to detect and interpret frauds in the locksmith world. Insurance companies are continually suffering the results of thefts that they have to compensate, many of them deceptions of the owners to collect the guarantees of the contracted policy.

This course provides a double diploma: University Diploma of Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmith Forensic Criminalist by the Catholic University of Murcia. Judicial Expert Diploma in Forensic Analysis in Locksmithing by the Center for Technical Studies of Judicial Expertise.

The main objective is the legal and practical training of locksmith professionals to the function of judicial expert. So that once the course is completed, the student is fully qualified to face the realization of expert reports and judicial action in this specialty.

Curso de Perito Judicial en Cerrajería Forense Criminalista



Mr. Luis Ochoa Joandó, Private Detective, Director and Head of Security Ministry of the Interior, Diploma in Law, Judicial Expert in Graphology and Documentology, External Professor of the UCAM in Expert matters.

Specialized teachers:

Mr. Iker Catalán, Director of Security, Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmith, Professional Locksmith, Technician in opening tools, Professor of the Technical Center of Expert Studies.

Mr. Carlos Sicilia, Judicial Expert in Forensic Locksmithing, Professional Locksmith, Technician in opening tools, Professor of the Technical Center of Expert Studies, President of the National Forensic Association of Expert Locksmiths.

Professional Opportunities: Judicial or party expert.

Teaching hours. 150h.

Target: Locksmiths, Private Detectives, Security Companies and Security Managers, Insurance Companies, Insurance Company Experts, etc.


1. The expert and the expertise
2. The legal framework for the legal expert’s performance. 3. How to write an expert’s report?
4. Attendance at the hearing. Possible actions in the trial. 5. Forms and examples of reports and opinions.
6. Reference text: Law of Civil Procedure (LEC).
7. Introduction to criminalistics.

PART 2: FORENSIC LOCKCRAFT (classroom or videos for students outside Spain)
1. Concept of Forensic Locksmith.
2. Openings of locks and cylinders (bolts, plates, pommels and bolts) with different techniques for later analysis.
3. At the scene (external visible marks): Investigation process, ocular inspection and evidence collection .
4. Chain of custody: Examples, regulations and issues to take into account .
5. In the laboratory: Internal marks, injuries and traces according to the technique used.
6. The expert report in forensic forensic science: process and examples of clear and successful report.
7. Storage and custody of evidence.
8. Cost and costs of the work, analysis and reports.

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